
Typically, people go on vacation and take nice photographs of their family. I forget to do this. I am that odd person taking a photo of the color of a wall, or that wonderful doorknob. Being a designer, type is a favorite subject. Ed Fella has a wonderful book, Edward Fella: Letters on America, of his Polaroids of vernacular typography. I, unfortunately, am not as sophisticated as Ed is. He finds fantastic signs in out of the way neighborhoods, and is like a big game hunter on safari, seeking that wonderful painted type. I am dull. Growing under a constant high level of fear has left me with PTSD and an unwillingness to do anything risky. Hence my enjoyment of Walt Disney World, or Disneyland. I know where the bathrooms are. I know where I can find food. And I know I will have an endless source of great vernacular (can you call it that if artifice is involved?) typography.

In my defense, I did go on real safari with real animals in Africa. And I recently agreed to try a new place for lunch.


And So Does Gertrude Stein


Reflections in Golden Eyeglasses